Colombia |
Aesthetic dentistrySponsor |
We are a dental office with experience in aesthetic dentistry, dental implants and orthodontics. We are leaders in our city - department on digital dentistry and achieving natural and functional results in just few days. We have specialized dentist for every treatment. We give customers a great experience since they arrive to our city we pick them up. Our office is really beautiful and modern so people don’t have anxiety, you can have a drink while you wait for your attention, we have a personal smell, ambientation music, noiseless bur, intraoral scanner so you won’t have to deal with those uncomfortable conventional impressions, a massage dental chair. |
3186496302 | View ProfileNeiva, Colombia, Huila Colombia |
Andrés Arias Rehabilitador OralSponsor |
Es el conjunto de técnicas y/o tratamientos que se realizan artísticamente para modificar posición, tamaño, forma y color de los dientes logrando una armonía y simetría en tu sonrisa. Un diseño de sonrisa puede ser un blanqueamiento, una ortodoncia, un implante, coronas y/o carillas. |
573186496302 | View ProfileNeiva, Huila Colombia |
Burbano Dental Group | Diseño de Sonrisa BogotaSponsor |
At Burbano Dental Group, located in Bogotá, Colombia, we have the best dentists led by Dr. Diana Burbano to offer you an exceptional experience in dentistry. We offer smile makeover, dental implants, teeth whitening, dental veneers and much more. Thanks to years of experience, we are recognized for our excellent results and customer service. Come and discover how we can help you have the smile of your dreams. |
3167318237 | View ProfileBogota, 110221, Colombia |