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Olympic Flame Germany
Matellio DeSponsor
Matellio De Icon
Matellio ist ein hoch priorisiertes Software-Engineering & Service-Unternehmen, das den Erfolg der globalen Unternehmen fördert. Wir liefern eine Reihe von Software-Services für Kunden, die Start-ups und etablierte Blue Chips aus mehr als 50 verschiedenen Ländern sind.Unsere Domain-Expertise umfasst Web, Mobile, Embedded, Industrial IoT und GIS. Unsere Technologie-Kompetenz umfasst PHP, MVC Frameworks wie Cake / Zend / Yii / Laravel, .NET, Java, C, C ++, Objective-C, Swift, Cocoa / CocoaTouch, Xcode, Android Studio und Javascript. Innerhalb der eingebetteten Engineering-Vertikalen bieten wir eine Vielzahl von Diensten von Linux Kernel Engineering an Custom Android Build-Entwicklung, Firmware-Entwicklung, SIP-Stack-Implementierung, IP Multimedia System, VoIP Telefonie und vieles mehr. Unsere exklusiven Methoden und prozessorientierte Verarbeitung helfen uns, die technologischen Ziele unserer Kunden zu lösen und Probleme zu lösen.Wir sind ein Team von mehr als 150 Ingenieuren, die für die Entwicklung einer futuristischen Informationsgesellschaft arbeiten.Visit:
View ProfileBerlin, Berlin Germany
We have developed custom web applications that range from simple CMS-powered websites to complex SaaS applications hosted on server clusters, and used agile practices to develop and design innovative mobile applications for Android (both smartphones and tablets) and iOS (iPhone, iPad).
508275646 | View ProfileBerlin, 2001 Germany
EmailBot Icon
Email Bot: An automated Email Sending platform driven by Artificial intelligence to help you make maximum out of Email Marketing. Email Bot is among the most trusted Email Sending platform where we have integrated automation with artificial intelligence to ensure that our user doesn’t lose out on any opportunity while sending the emails. Email Bot Makes use of Dedicated IPS, Spam Filters, and Email Servers to make sure each email is delivered to user’s inbox. We make sure of AI to make sure not even a single email goes to SPAM. Email Marketing is a highly volatile one. It undergoes changes every passing hour Rules and Regulations are changed every single moment by Email Providers. With Email Bot, you get an automated platform that uses artificial intelligence in order to identify the SPAM Content and filter it properly. Each Email is send using IP Rotation Techniques. We have 2300 Dedicated IPS and Powerful Servers to make sure your message reaches to potential clients or customers. Email Bot makes Email Marketing an easy venture for all its users. Developed on extensive usage of AI, it is among the most efficient Email Sending platform available which executes automated tracking, sending reports, delivery reports and click reports. For all those who values time, money and essence of both. Email Bot is the platform to be a part of with no knowledge of programming and codes required, it is as easy as it can be to set up and get going. You don’t even need to possess ext
+441438940644 | View ProfileBerlin, Germany
Office Install HelpSponsor
Office Install Help Icon
Office 365 is one of the most essential tools for a computer which is being readily used at all the times. Technical glitches, setup problem and slowing down are some of the most common problems which the users face on a regular basis and this is the exact situation where comes to the rescue of the users. We help the users by offering all kinds of support solutions for Office 365. Our adequately trained and vastly experienced techies is here to take care of all your needs in almost no time. We offer complete technical support solutions 24*7 related to Office 365.
73-518-099-920 | View ProfileDer Riss, Berlin Germany
topcasinovylcan Icon
We can teach you how to play casino
View ProfileDortmund, Germany
Power Presentations Creative ServicesSponsor
Power Presentations Creative Services Icon
Are you in need of professionally structured and designed PowerPoint presentations for your company, but lacking the required time and know-how? Then you can simply outsource them at Our experienced team creates and reworks presentations in close cooperation with our clients, based on their individual notes and comments.
211 474 5272 | View ProfileFriedrichshafen, Baden-Württemberg Germany
KaldiSmith Icon
It provides files migration solutions
View ProfileGermany, Germany
Online ordering systemsSponsor
online ordering systems Icon
Ordering Online System is a two year company that has made its reputation in the market for developing fast, effective and 100% open source online ordering software. All their software are designed to work on desktop as well as mobile devices.
0176 84043301 | View ProfileHamburg, Berlin Germany
Ads Adwords GoogleSponsor
Ads Adwords Google Icon
Ads Adwords Google ist eine renommierte Google Adwords-Agentur in Deutschland. Unsere AdWords-Experten setzen alles daran, Ihren Umsatz nach der Analyse Ihres Unternehmens zu steigern.
+49 8231 9595990 | View ProfileKönigsbrunn, Germany
Qsignal SolutionsSponsor
The company of Qsignal Icon
The company of Qsignal® GbR was founded in 2016 with a goal to deliver innovative and versatile applications for mobile devices, which are scalable, future-proof, and reliable. We specialize in developing applications for gastronomy and hotel industry. Our state-of-the-art platform allows entrepreneurs of gastronomy business to build the present and the future for their businesses.
View ProfileMaxdorf, Johannes-Hahn-Weg Germany
SRT GmbHSponsor
SRT GmbH Icon
Die srtToolbox kann jedes ERP-System mit jedem Online-Shop verbinden - unabhängig davon, welchen Softwareanbieter Sie verwenden, wenn der Hersteller dies zulässt.
+4951151549500 | View ProfileHannover, Lower Saxony Germany
Konsolenwelt Icon
Konsolenwelt repariert Ihre defekte Spielekonsole und Apple Geräte wie IPhone MacBook iMac PS4 XBox Switch vor Ort in der Reparatur Werkstatt Berlin
+49 30 52689552 | View ProfileBerlin, Berlin Germany
Wilde-IT GmbHSponsor
Wilde-IT GmbH Icon
Wir bieten Ihnen Beratung und verschiedene Workshops zur technischen Planung und Gestaltung Ihrer Ideen. Wir stehen Ihnen auch als Entwicklungspartner zur Seite - zur Realisierung neuer Applikationen ebenso wie für die Weiterentwicklung bestehender Anwendungen, Wartung und Support. Unter Verwendung diverser Programmiersprachen und Frameworks bilden wir den Softwareentwicklungsprozess ganzheitlich ab. Schnelligkeit und Flexibilität können wir Ihnen mit unseren agilen, skalierbaren Entwicklerteams zusichern. Unsere Kunden schätzen uns für unser technologisches Know-how, unsere Zuverlässigkeit und die Geschwindigkeit unseres schlanken Entwicklungsprozesses.
View ProfileLudwigsburg, BW Germany
CyrusOne Frankfurt IISponsor
CyrusOne Frankfurt II Icon
CyrusOne specializes in highly reliable enterprise data center colocation, engineering facilities with the highest power redundancy (2N architecture) and power-density infrastructure required to deliver excellent availability.We cultivate long-term strategic relationships with our customers and provide them with solutions for their data center facilities and IT infrastructure challenges.
0800-588-8419 | View ProfileFrankfurt, Hesse, 65936, Germany
IT Master SoftSponsor
IT Master Soft Icon
Starting 2012 as a team of passionate professionals, during the years we became masters of matching technical skills and commitment to let your business grow. Concentration on our customer’s business, their success, and potential these are those distinctive features, which make us truly reliable IT Partners.
493025559866 | View ProfileBerlin, Berlin Germany
Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz mit der AlarmierungssoftwareSponsor
Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz mit der Alarmierungssoftware Icon
Eine Alarmierungssoftware trägt in solchen Fällen wesentlich zur Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz bei. Mit der Alarmierungssoftware von MultiBel können Sie eine große Gruppe Personen alarmieren. Wenn Hilfe gebraucht wird, erfordert jede Situation ein anderes Alarmmanagement.
+492152893818 | View ProfileKempen, Germany
Onbench Icon
There are often some specialists sitting on the bench at your company and waiting for another project to come. They would like to solve challenging tasks. But instead, they wait and wonder whether the proposal will appear before they get fired.OnBench is a solution to such problems. It is the platform that helps developers on the bench find the new projects as soon as possible. And the customer companies will find here the exact development teams they want.The algorithm is simple.Come up with the idea of the team you need to work on your project. For example, web-designer, HTML-coder, and two python developers.Open OnBench search and seek for the teams with these specialists.Having found several companies, communicate with them directly, and get the professional developers you need.Hire the team you want. As for the other company, its specialists work, develop and earn funds instead of standing still.The opportunity is free for all customers. The supplying companies have five free licenses to activate their employees, specified or anonymous. These licenses renew every month.
49 (2426) 683-99-23 | View ProfileBerlin, Germany
Google Bewertungen löschen lassen - Ab 109,- € |Sponsor
Google Bewertungen löschen lassen - Ab 109,- € | Icon
Du möchtest negative Google Bewertungen löschen lassen Schütze Dein Unternehmen vor Imageschäden durch haltlose Kritik | Jetzt informieren!
043122139760 | View ProfileRendsburg, Germany
LC by vBoxx GmbHSponsor
LC by vBoxx GmbH Icon
LeitzCloud is the Cloud for your business.
06987005778 | View ProfileFrankfurt am Main, Hessen Germany
Ahdus TechnologySponsor
Ahdus Technology Icon
We are a German based deep-tech startup focus purely on Computer Vision and Innovation Product Development,We work with Fortune 500 companies to enable computer vision element to their R&D projects. We are currently working with LG, Mercedez-Benz, BMW and some other big names in the industries in Dach region.In Computer vision, we work with deep learning, machine learning, and several other algorithm developement and regulary process terabytes of data through GPUs and AWS Cloud environments.Having highly skilled Computer vision experts in our team, we posses deep tech skills to drive your data-science business from MVP product to muli-million industry level.In Innovation product development, we develop world-class software products for you in any industry. Software Engineers @ Ähdus Technology could develop an early idea to realization in both web and mobile products.We are happy if you drop us an email at [email protected] to talk about possible research and innovation partnership.
+49015175514737 | View ProfileHeilbronn, Germany
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