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Olympic Flame Germany
Gemany News and InformationSponsor
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Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany, is a federal parliamentary republic in western-central Europe. The country consists of 16 states and its capital and largest city is Berlin
View ProfileBerlin, Germany
David Haight ArmySponsor
David Haight Army Icon
A career infantry officer with the United States Army, David Haight holds a bachelor of arts in history from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah; a master of arts in national security and strategic studies from the United States Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island; and a master of science in national security studies from the United States Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. While as the Director of Operations at the United States European Command (USEUCOM), he has directed joint and combined military operations across 52 European countries. He also served as a deputy commanding general in Regional Command East for the seven provinces south of greater Kabul in Afghanistan. David Haight has also commanded an Infantry Brigade at Ft. Drum, NY, a Ranger Battalion at Ft. Lewis, WA and an Airborne Battalion at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Additionally, he provided executive assistance to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) in Washington, DC. His professional interests encompass all aspects of national security.When he isn’t working, Mr. Haight enjoys waterskiing and riding his Harley Davidson. He is also an avid firearm and bow hunter.
View ProfileStuttgart, Germany
Buy driver license –German licenseSponsor
Buy driver license –German license Icon
Buy driver license, WHY BUY GERMAN DRIVER'S LICENSE FROM US? Our online agency has been recognized as the best place to buy driver license in Germany. We apply high-quality technology and materials in the making of driving license. You do not have to worry about anything if you are approaching our online agency to buy driver license Germany. Contact us by phone +44 7460516759 or visit our website .
7460516759 | View ProfileWiesbaum, Rhineland-Palatinate Germany
KFZ Zulassungsdienst Herne-WanneSponsor
KFZ Zulassungsdienst Herne-Wanne Icon
Sie möchten ein Fahrzeug ab- oder anmelden? Wir sind gerne mit umfassenden Leistungen und Services als Ihr Kfz-Zulassungsdienst in Herne-Wanne für Sie da. Was wir rund um Ihr Auto für Sie übernehmen:die Abmeldung Ihres Fahrzeugsdie Anmeldung Ihres Kfzdie Stilllegung Ihres AutosKurzzeitkennzeichen
+49 1516 2979408 | View ProfileHerne, Nordrhein-Westfalen, 44651, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany