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Olympic Flame Turkey
Internet MarketingSponsor
Internet Marketing Icon
Internetten para kazanma hevesiyle çesitli yöntemleri denemis ancak eline bir sey geçmemis kisilerin sayisi basarili olanlara göre oldukça fazladir. Bunun baslica nedenleri ise ise yaramayan basit islerle para kazanmaya çalismaktir.
+90 | View ProfileLuleburgaz, Turkey
Dteks Icon
Dteks Social
View ProfileIstanbul, Istanbul Turkey
Onex SoftwareSponsor
Onex Software Icon
Onex Software is a custom software development firm, which help companies at any stage of the product software development cycle: from R&D and building MVP from scratch, to scaling, UX analyzing and improving. We boost your mission with our expertise in technology and full-service development needs. As your Digital Transformation partner, we will be with you every step of the way – from initial planning to delivery, and beyond. Our 20+ permanent team of Turkey-based, Microsoft-approved software developers create bespoke software products, apps and operational systems for SMEs, enterprise, not-for-profit, government and funded start-ups. Team Onex Software is here to create future driven solutions to deliver the right business outcomes. We are in the business of robust, fast, scalable and digitally transformative web and mobile applications. What we do is create highly potential, customised, scalable and easy to access development solutions for our client. Onex Software provides you business oriented customized on demand solutions just for you.Our team of experts can help you in here to choose the best approch for your upcoming business models. Building IT solutions is our passion, and we are going to boost your project performance by creating an app that will meet all of your business needs. Having more than 20 experts in our regular staff, we are happy to implement your ideas and surpass your expectations with superiority of solutions. You can either get a full
05458621565 | View ProfileIzmir, Izmir Turkey
Kadiköy Ekran DegisimiSponsor
Kadiköy Ekran Degisimi Icon
CepMarket servisimiz 2006 yilindan bu yana Kadiköy iPhone Tamiri yapan bir teknik servistir. Servisimiz bu anlamda sektörün en taninmis isimleri arasinda yer alir ve bu tecrübemizi iPhone ekran degisimine de yansitiyoruz. Ekran degisiminin ardindan iPhone yeniden ilk günkü orijinal görünümüne kavusmus olur ve yeniden ilk günkü gibi performans verir. Dahasi islemde bilgileriniz silinmez.
902162438384 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey
Sisgain Icon
We provide best app and web development service.
+971-50-6271276 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey
Gym WorkoutsSponsor
Gym Workouts Icon
Mobile App
View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey
Spechy Icon
Spechy is a cloud software provider for businesses. The company's purpose-built Omni-Channel Contact Center platform offers a range of applications that enable the scope of contact center-related customer service, sales and marketing functions. The company's Omnichannel Communications platform and other applications enable the simultaneous management and optimization of customer interactions across voice, chat, email, Web, social media, video calling and mobile channels, either directly or via (APIs).?Spechy monitors and tracks every customer interaction. In order to improve the customer experience and increase user productivity, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software includes applications such as Ticketing, Analysis, Web, Customer Experience, Business tracking, and Quality Management tools. It also maximizes user productivity by automating all processes with its advanced features.
08503403535 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey Turkey
ticaretborsa Icon
Genel haberler, para, Kripto, Bitcoin, Dolar ve altin hakkinda bilgiler vermektedir.
View ProfileAkdeni?z, Mersin Turkey
takeandship Icon provides international shoppers with a Turkey shipping address and parcel forwarding services you can use online shopping.Many products are less expensive in TURKEY but sellers and websites do not ship directly to international addresses. This is where Take and Ship can help. With Take&Ship you can shop websites and ship your purchases to our warehouse and then we will ship the packages to you with our value added services Storage, Packing / Repacking,Fragile Packing Service, Consolidation Service, Inspection, Return to Seller, Shopping Assistance.Buying multiple items from different stores and instead of paying separate shipping costs from Turkey, we consolidate for our customers and they just pay the single shipping cost. We are dedicated to constantly improving our service. Since our first goal is making easier online shopping from TURKEY receiving their items whole around the world, we work harder every day.
08505324904 | View Profileistanbul, ISTANBUL Turkey
Telefon takipSponsor
telefon takip Icon
SOFTWARE FOR LEGAL USE ONLY. Installing the Licensed Software on a device that does not belong to you is a violation of applicable law and the laws of your local jurisdiction. The law generally requires you to notify owners of devices that you intend to install the Licensed Software. Violation of this requirement may result in heavy monetary and criminal penalties for the violator. You should consult your own legal counsel regarding the legality of using the Licensed Software in your jurisdiction prior to installing and using the Licensed Software. You are solely responsible for installing the Licensed Software on such device and you are aware that CellTrackingApps cannot be held responsible.
View Profileturkey, Turkey
BeforeSunset Icon
BeforeSunset is a simple, flexible yet powerful time tracking and budget management software that gives actionable insights. It merges time and project management in the breeze so that you can focus on productivity.
View ProfileIzmir, Turkey
Üstün Koruma Eset Antivirüs Satis MerkeziSponsor
Üstün Koruma Eset Antivirüs Satis Merkezi Icon, uzman oldugu anti virüs güvenlik ürünlerinin satisina baslayan ve Istanbul Çekmeköy ilçesinde bulunan bir resmi e-ticaret platformudur.Uzman profesyonellerden olusan dinamik kadrosuyla, ESET antivirüs yazilimlari ile ilgili, hem kurumsal hem de bireysel müsteriler için; hizli, dogru, ekonomik ve güvenilir bir sekilde; satis ve bilgi hizmetleri saglamaktadir.Sizin için en uygun ürünü seçmek, ürünler ile ilgili bilgi almak, lisans alim ve yenileme islemleri, ürünler arasindaki farklar ile ilgili müsteri hizmetlerimizden destek alabilirsiniz.
0216880571 | View Profileistanbul, Turkey
Fahri DemirSponsor
Fahri Demir Icon
Adwords Uzmani
05559988423 | View ProfileAtakum, Samsun Turkey
Klassifier Icon
Klassifier is a no-code machine learning solution for CRM, IT, support, HR, and high-speed teams. Our cloud-based software solution allows its users to create complicated machine learning models without writing a single line of code. No previous experience is needed! It's just a few clicks away!
905308760758 | View ProfilePendik, Istanbul Turkey
Absolute ERP Imalat SirketiSponsor
Absolute ERP Imalat Sirketi Icon
ERP yazilimi, çesitli imalat endüstrilerinde uygun bir fiyat araliginda faaliyet göstermektedir. Üretim ERP süreçleri, sürekli degisen müsteri ihtiyaçlari için gereksinimleri karsilayabilen etkili bir is akisi sürecine dayanir; bu süreç, üretkenlik seviyelerinin sürdürülmesine ve sürekli tedarik zinciri kesintileri yoluyla gelismeye yardimci olur.
+90-5545813880 | View ProfileIstanbul, Sariyer Turkey
TEKNOSPY Casus böcek arama Gizli dinleme cihazlarinin, teknik gözetim sizmalarinin, teknik gözetim tehlikelerinin ve fiziksel güvenlik zayifliklarinin tespitini, geçersiz kilinmasi ve yalitilmasi için uzman teknik, analitik ve arastirma kapasitesi saglar. Basitçe söylemek gerekirse, casuslari avlariz ve casuslugu durdurururuz.
05336676549 | View ProfileMamak, Ankara Turkey
software Icon
web ,software development
View ProfileIstanbul, Istanbul Turkey
envera Icon
Dogrulanmis teknik ekip ve ekipman destegi ile Kayseri’de iMac, Macbook Pro, Macbook Air, Mac Mini, Mac Studio ve Mac Pro destegi alin.
121313212121 | View Profilekayseri, Turkey
betmatik Icon
Betmatik! Betmatik giris adresi ile sende betmatik sitesine giris yapmak istiyorsan dogru yerdesin. Sende hemen tikla ve betmatik sitesine ulas.
View ProfileIstanbul, Istanbul Turkey
mapperx Icon
Biriz Energy is a provider of thermal inspection and software services within the scope of operation and maintenance activities of the renewable energy industry.Since 2018, our company has been collaborating with leading companies in the field of technology and developing strategies that improve the business and operational efficiency of its customers with drone technology supported projects.
+90 312 425 42 55 | View Profileankara, ankara Turkey
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